Daily Accountability, we all need it!

Photo by Anete Lusina on Pexels.com

Jan 1, we all start it, we all say this is going to be the year, then by the middle of the month, we are crushed by all the crap that is still in our life!

It’s time to make a change. I am going to spend the next year mentoring and guiding my audience in simple daily actions to keep themselves focused and on track. Before you gasp and cover your mouth, or worse, laugh at me let me let you in on some background info.

Today’s episode was #678! That’s right we just celebrated our 2nd yr anniversary and over 5,000 folks have come to listen to these calls. So what’s another year among friends.

If you want to hear the audio to this training you can find it on Spotify at this link:
Ep 678 – Daily Awakening – Goals & Accountability

We touched on questions like:

1. What business are you in?
If you had to describe your current business, how would you do that, what would you share with someone to give them a basic understanding? Here is a tuff question: How long would they remember what you just told them about your business?

2. What business are you REALLY in?
So after you get all the data and details out about your business, the question that needs to be answered is to let them know what business you are really, really in and how you serve your customers. Do you know what business you are really in?

(CONTEST – IF you post this on your Social Media and TAG me in your post – The 1st 3 will get “coffee” on my via Venmo or CashApp)

3. What business do you NEED to be in, in 5 or 6 months?
With how fast everything is happening right now as we move in 2021, you might have to trim that window some. Think about the last 4 months, has anything changed in your business, the way you approach it or how you have change the way you serve your customers? Think about what might need to change in the coming months.

If you want to watch the video replay of the call click here – Watch On Vimeo

So to hear the call, it was just about 60 minutes long this conversation, click on the Spotify link above and enjoy.

If you would like to join me LIVE on my morning show – Join Daily Awakening

(Learn more about me at SeanGMurphy.com)

To learn more about me and if you would like to be part of our Daily Accountability process, you can learn more about the Secret Sauce Goals Academy. For a limited time you can become a “LifeTime” member or if you choose the monthly option you can do that to.

Sean’s Goals Academy -Click Here

Daily coaching and some Q&A – 7 Days a week for less than $20 a month? That’s crazy… yes it is, so act fast before I come to my senses.

Big Hugs from Dallas
Sean G Murphy.

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Ep 684 – Tools To Grow Your Biz

I really suck at this topic, no really, I’m not the one to talk about technology.

What I will share with you is do you know how to share you heart? How much of your presentation is done with your heart? Or are you like 99% of the networkers who f’ it up for the rest of us and give their presentation from their WALLET!

Click Here to listen to today’s podcast.

Now if you are reading this, there is a dang good chance that you are in the 1% group who actually give your presentation from a ‘heart centric’ approach.

The challenge is, at some point in the conversation with your new friend, you slip out of that feeling and you are tripped up by a question that you fear.

How bout a question like – How much have you made? or How many on your team? And you instantly slip into a defenseive mode, or a feeling of LACK and you lose all your ‘heart momentum”.

So if I could share with you some ways to stay in your heart, to keep that heart momentum, would you be okay with that?

Here we go:

  1. Let them know you love that question? (no matter what it is, cause it’s going to allow you the chance to bring them value they are not used to). I love that question, I seem to get it often. Do me a favor, share with me why you ask that question, and better still let me know what the answer is that would inspire you, or worse, keep you from going after your own dream?
    Cause if my team determines your success, I’ve got some work to do.. smile.
  2. Set the stage before hand, so you can prep your prospect to clearly see that what you have done has no effect on what they can do.
    So maybe you say things like. Have you ever out performed someone on your team with more experience or with more skills?
    Chances are they will say yes… and you get to say.. I’m afraid this could be one of those situations as well. 🙂

    Those are just a few of the conversations you can learn to share, if you would like to learn more, feel free to join me on my morning show.

http://www.PersonalUndevelopment.com – it will be fun and I might just leave you a nugget that can help you take your joy to the next level.

To listen to this Ep 684 – Tools to grow your business… Click Here.

Hugs from Dallas

Posted in Prospecting, Sean G Murphy, Secret Sauce, Secret Sauce | Leave a comment

Ep 683 – Personal Invitations To Your Biz Model

If you are more of an audio person – you can click here to listen to the episode on Spotify.

Everyone says they are excited to learn about what you have to offer, they even sign up for it… then do nothing with it! Maybe I’m the only one in our Networking profession that has ever had that happen, I think not.

So let’s talk about some ways that we can minimize the loss of time and energy, quite frankly minimize just being pissed off with ourselves and them for what seems like wasting our time.

Have you ever thought about how many parts there are to the invitation?

Here is the hard part, if we look deeper into our presentations / invitations we will find an unconscious pattern that WE have and it seems to produce the same results. So lets dive into what that might be.

  1. What are you inviting them to?
    1. I mean seriously answer that question. What, in your mind are you inviting them to? Sure it’s to learn more about your company, your business model, your comp plan. Yet how would you describe what they are being invited to?
  2. What are you REALLY inviting them to?
    1. This is where we start to see the divergence of the description or the story. What are YOU inviting them to, and what do THEY think they are being invited to? Have you ever really took the time to think about this conversation going on on their side of the invitation?

So how many parts are there really to the invitation?
– Your mindset – what you feel about the invitation, how you actually ask it. Have you ever asked someone to a party, how difficult was that? When you ask someone to look at your biz opp, do you get nervous, do you feel a bit intimidated, BECAUSE, you knew at some point there was going to be the discussion of money?

The key is look at your presentation, your information and see where you can find the ‘wow’ factor in it. What is the WOW part of being in your company. Can you share that in such a way with your prospects that they has… How do you do that?

At that moment you have the chance to have a “solution” conversation! Showing them HOW you do that.

Hope this brings you value..
Big hugs from Dallas..

PS – if you want to listen to the podcast from Ep 683- CLICK HERE

Posted in Leadership, Prospecting, Sean G Murphy, Secret Sauce, Secret Sauce, Training | Leave a comment

Ep 681 Daily Awakening – Presentations & Conversations

Have you ever heard a prospect utter – Let me think about it! Sounds good, I just need to check with my spouse and we will get back to you!

So, if you have hear that, then you have just encountered the “Reluctant Hero” per Joseph Campbell and his Hero’s Journey! If you want to hear the entire breakdown of the 22 exchanges you go through on the journey, you can CLICK HERE to listen to Ep 380 – The Hero’s Journey podcast. (you can also find on Spotify -search Finding Your Secret Sauce)

Photo by Burst on Pexels.com

So this is “buying back the sale” is a phrase we us in sales training when we have the “rookies” out in the field with us. They were all for the deal, your offer, but when it came right down to it, they got their cold feet. So how do you deal with that. It’s pretty simple when you know it’s coming. Here are some suggestions.

  1. Get past the sale!
    1. What I mean by that is let the assumption of the sale be made by you and them. Start with the benefits of what happens AFTER the sale. My father would always, always say: “Nothing is OVER priced, it’s undervalued”. So when it comes time to complete the transaction, and the cost if front and center, they balk! The old story pops up and says,… remember the last time you thought you were buying something good, and it turned out be a piece of crap…remember? You left them on ‘this side’ of the sale.
  2. Get them using the product!
    1. How can I get them to use something they haven’t even bought? Questions, ask more questions.!!! What would be the 1st thing you do with “X” product or $ income? Bring the VALUE to the product.

There are a dozen or more things you can do to get them past the purchase, the real key to understanding this process is that you ‘can’t teach from the RETURN’! This referers back to the Hero’s Journey conversation.

So as you start with your process… it’s important to remember where YOU are on your own Hero’s journey!

Here is the key- you can only ever be a guide on someone else’s journey, you can’t be the hero for them, they have to the hero for themselves!

To hear the podcast we did on Jan 1st on generating $1k residuel from your business, you can click here – Ep 678 – Getting to 1k this month.

Big hugs from Dallas

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Stop Lying About Yourself!

You read that correctly! I can almost guarantee that you are lying about yourself! While we are at it, I’m sure we could also say that you are lying TO yourself also!

Have you ever said: “I’m not good enough” or “I don’t have the skills or talent to do that” how bout this one, “When I get good a “X” I’ll be able to reach that goal”!

Photo by Vlad Cheu021ban on Pexels.com

You know as well as I do that it’s all ‘BS’ and I do me both the “BSs” that you thought. Belief System and BullShit!
You know that you are good enough for the NEXT step you need to take, and that’s all thats required from you right now!

So let’s look at a couple of ways you can stop the lying and start your living! First we need to get some confidence that you are as good as everyone thinks you are. Here are a couple things you can do.

  1. Write out a list of 50 very cool things you have done. 50 experiences that you were facing some kind of challenge and you made it through, you accomplished a goal or a task, that at the time seemed next to impossible!
  2. You can go back to childhood to look for these ‘barrier’ moments. Those times that you had to push through, you had to break through some scary moments.

When you do this exercise you may find it hard at the start to write down the cool things you have accomplished. I’ve had students from all around the world do this exercise.

I had 1 amazing young woman Anne Peo, from the UK start this exercise and she messaged me, I can’t think of 100, what do I do. We talked for a moment and I asked her some questions to get the thought flowing, and guess what she did?

She calls me the next day and asks if she can do MORE than 100? I responded, ‘of course you can’.

She went on to do her list of 1000! Yes, you read that right, 1000 items she had done well for herself and what it did for self confidence was amazing!

So one of the 1st things you can do to stop the lying to yourself, is to write out your list of 50 things you have overcome in your life. This will begin to give you the insight in your own mind that you are capable and that you have the strength and determination to achieve anything you set your mind to.

Big hugs from Dallas


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VALUES – Daily, Monthly & By The Minute

Values are like sunscreen. We grab them to use when we find ourselves in hot situations.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

The reality is that we use our values every moment of everyday. To make the choices you will make today you are either using exceptions or your values.

If you let your problems drive you decisions, you are making exceptions in the moment and letting the problem limit your choices. You are looking to solve the ‘immediate pain’ that you are facing.

(Be sure to visit me on my page at www.SeanGMurphy.com)

I don’t know about you, but that always seems to bite me in the butt if you know what I mean.

Have you found that just about EVERY problem we face, is only temporary?

I can’t even count the number of times I’ve said these words: “JUST THIS ONCE”! It’s because I was letting the pain drive my decision making and NOT my values! I wanted so much to do the easy thing, the non “problem causing” solution just to get rid of the problem. Just so I could stop my Bride of 20 years bugging me, or my business partner having to ask me 1 more freaking time if I’m “up to speed” on the project… YES for the 100th time.. yes I’m up to speed! Anyone ever experience that?

So I needed a way to say clear, to regain my focus over my ultimate decisions.

In the call this morning on the Daily Awakening, Ep 679 – Values, we talked about how to begin to implement what you need to reach your goals on a daily basis.

Listen to the podcast on Spotify – Click Here
Watch the video on Vimeo Click Here

The conversations we had this morning are about getting clear on what you can do today, and how you can make sure you are holding yourself responsible each day.

I know for myself, I have to focus on it almost hourly. Whatever the case, today focus a bit more on the 3 things, your 3 intentions you need to do today so you can keep yourself moving closer towards your goals.

Action Steps for today:
1. List 3 intentions to accomplish.
2. What are 3 things would make today freaking awesome?
3. What are your ‘NON-Negotiables” for you today?

What are the things that you will get done no matter what. When you start out that way in the morning, you get to live by your values just a bit more.

Hope these ideas bring you some value. Share with your community.

If you would like to join me on the morning calls LIVE – Click Here to save your seat.

I’ll see you at the next event.
Hugs from Dallas


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3 Key Trends in Enterprise Communications … and What Zoom is Doing About Them — Zoom Blog

What to LOOK at some STATS from JULY – 2019 PRE-Covid? Look at what ZOOM was saying back then! 

I spend a fair amount of my time speaking with my fellow CIOs and other IT leaders, listening to their challenges and viewpoints on technology and communications. From these conversations, three trends have emerged that I would like to share with you. I also will discuss how Zoom is addressing each of these with our…

via 3 Key Trends in Enterprise Communications … and What Zoom is Doing About Them — Zoom Blog

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Work FROM Your Goals, Not To Your Goal

Lets face it, for 5000 years man and women have been working towards their goals and 99% never reach them. Always missing the target!


Let me see if I can share with you a thought process I have, these are my ideas, so they many not work for you. Here is why I feel so many never reach their goals.

They are to busy working towards them! This constant push, struggle and frustration to “reach” their goals, it can wear you out. So what if you were to, in the words of Dr Wayne Dyer: “Change The Way You Look At Things & The Things You Look At Change”.

Right now, take a few moments, and really start to look at a goal you have, one you have been working on for a while now, could be a month, maybe even a year or more.  Look at the activities that you have been doing to reach that goal. I mean really get clear on what actions you have been focused on to reach this end goal.  Got it?

Now here is what I want you to do. Take some time right now, and look at this goal as something you have already achieved. Something you have already acquired the skills or the experience to achieve this goal.

When you start to look at the actions you have performed in the past to move closer to this goal.. looking that them with this new understanding that you have already achieved your goal, here is the question.
Would You Do Things Differently When You See Yourself Having The Mindset Of Your Goal?

For the past 20 years that I have been speaking and training, the % of people who said they would do things differently… is 100%!  WHY?

Here are my thought on this.

  • A. It’s impossible to see something you have not seen before.
    When you set a goal, its something you have not had before, otherwise it wouldn’t be a goal, right? So it’s not a something, it’s a feeling… it’s a concept. How can you show me a feeling, without it taking physical shape. If you wanted to show me sad, you would frown, or happy you would smile. It still has to show up in the physical world.
  • You have to Be, Do than Have…
    There is nothing that you want, that you don’t first have the desire to want it first. You can’t get up for a drink of water, get the glass, fill it and the all of a sudden say.. WOW, I really wanted a glass of water.
    So to work towards your goals, is the same thing, and it’s why it’s so easy to get distracted from the process.
  • Cheating is Bad
    We were taught in school that asking for help on a test was not allowed, and coping someone was cheating. So it’s no shock that when we look at the “Test” of life we are all in, and we see someone who is successful and has what we want, we are afraid to ask them for help.  If you are serious about your goals, and WORKING FROM THEM and not towards them, then you need a mentor or coach.
  • It’s to easy
    If it’s easy to look at this article and see there you can fundamentally change the way you look at goal setting, then it’s easy not to do it as well. The choice is yours.

So 3 ideas to help you now work FROM your goals, it’s really quite simple when you do it the first time. Once you have done it… the sky is the limit.

Here is a video I did on “Getting Your Why Clear”


Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you share it with at least 3 people you know that could benefit from this.

Please leave your comments below and share it across social media. Thanks in advance.

Hugs from Dallas



Who are you working for?

So what is your answer?

Do you know who you are really working for? How about this question… What is the “Feeling” you are working for? How would you answer that question?

The reality is that if you are are not working for you, you are working for someone else. Now let me be very clear. You can be an employee and be working for yourself, you can be a self employed business owner and working for someone else. It matters not “where” you work. It matters WHY you work!

The joy of life comes from being in a state of awareness that you matter, that you bring value. You can have this feeling, no matter where or what you are doing. How to get to this kind of mindset requires you to become aware. Aware of what you are doing, and the ultimate direction this activity is taking you.

If you don’t know where you want to know, how do you know if your on the right path. So this begs the question, Do You Know Where You Are Going?

You can work digging ditches, and if you are clear on your goals, you will know that with each shovel of dirt, you are moving closer to your goal. If you are not clear, then you will be stuck always in your “ditch” and wonder why life has passed you by.

Take 30 seconds now, look at what you are going to do today, and decide how it will bring you closer to your goal. When you know that, you can then answer the title of this blog with “I’m Working For Me”!

Be sure to sign up for my news letters at MentorMoment

Your friend and student,


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Mental Profits – 3 Things To Stop Loosing Money & Time

We have all heard the saying… “A Penny For Your Thoughts?”

So my question to you is: How Much Are You Thoughts Costing You?
When you think about the lost opportunity cost of those moments in your past when you have said… “I should have done that or this… or I knew better, why did I do that”…

We have all muttered these words. What I want to share with you is a simple 3 simple steps to regain your wealth.

1. Check In On The Hour
If I said you could change your world for the better and it would only take 20 min’s a day. Would you want to do it? I want you to take 60 seconds each hour of your day and ask this question.

Was I On Track?

The act of asking this questions demands you to now know which direction you are heading and is it the direction taking you to the correct destination.

2. Journal Your Results
I’m not talking about writing a book, I’m talking about a simple “Y” or “N” written down somewhere. I use an App on my phone called Awesome Note this have become very valuable to me, and its free.

3. Rewrite Your Goals Weekly for 90 Days
The goals you have not may or may not be the ones you want to spend the rest of your life working on. So for the next 90 days, I want you to rework them each week. See which ones stick, see which ones need to go, and continue to redefine them till they become so crystalized in your mind, you never have to ask the question again… Is this what I really want?

Keep these 3 simple steps in front of you, and follow them for the next 90 days, and these 3 steps will take you on a journey of 1000 miles filled with laugher, joy, success and learning.

Thanks for being here, and I appreciate you and your energy

Hugs from Dallas
Sean G Murphy

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